
A Short Guide to Translation Memory Management

  How does Translation Memory Management work? To understand how a translation memory is managed, we need to know the definition of Translation Memory. Translation memory is a database that continually captures translations as translators work on your projects for future use. It is created automatically by Text United. Meaning every time you translate content or have it translated by our human translators, a specific set of words is already being memorized by our system. All translation memories are saved to your private translation memory. Translation Memory is an absolute essential in an operational toolkit for the localization field. All the information captured in Translation Memory is based on the concept of a source sentence and a target sentence. If a new sentence comes in and the database finds a similar entry, it then shows the sentence to the translator as a proposal to use. An advanced Translation Memory Management has been available in the Text United D...

Creating a Global Website in 4 Steps

Taking Your Website Global With the advent of the internet, extending reach beyond the borders of a home nation has never been more feasible. We explored the importance of website translation being key to going global in detail before. Nevertheless, if you just found your way here, this is a slimmed-down, suped-up 4-step guide to going global!   #1. Find the Right Languages If your website is selling something successfully, you are likely already analyzing your customer base to maximize sales. The same applies to international markets; you need to know who you are selling to, to do it effectively. To take your website global, you need to be finding the right markets and languages to localize. With website translation, a great place to start is our recent guide to the top 10 languages for localization . Compare and contrast this against your data to find out what languages will affect your sales most dynamically. If you receive a lot of traffic from France, it makes ...

How To Translate Images And Scanned Documents?

  Translating Images and Scanned Documents Translation technology has come a long way in recent years. From Neural Machine Translation (NMT) to Translation Management Systems (TMS) – technology is playing a significant role in aiding human translators and lubricating their workflow. Nevertheless, not all translation tasks are created equal. Especially when it comes to translating images. You won’t always have a pristine, cleanly formatted document in an ideal file type that needs translating. More often than not, you may find yourself in possession of a multitude of uneditable nor unfriendly file types that simply don’t work in the way you want them to. Just the thought of rewriting files for translation is galling. An infographic image containing important text elements, to a stack of physical documents that you’ve labored to scan and digitize. When you factor in the hours required for such tasks, it can become an unwanted and unexpected expense. Have. No. Fear. Te...

How to import legacy terminology from Termbase

  An introduction to Termbase Before we talk about the positive sides of having a Termbase, let us be clear that Termbase is a database containing terminology and related information. Terminology, also known as Company Dictionary , is a dominant part of a translator’s workflow. It consists of words, phrases, and technical terms used to create sentences. Usually, lists contain two columns: the first containing terms in the source language and the second column containing the corresponding term in the target language, which will look like a dictionary to most people. Most companies use an increasing number of industry-specific or organization-specific words, which need to be accurately stored, shared, and translated. Terms could be anything from a product name to a marketing tagline. Companies will often have their preferences for terminology used in their translation projects. For example, one company may prefer the term Car to be called Vehicle in its technical docu...

Translation vs Localization vs Transcreation

  Characteristics of Translation, Localization, Transcreation Whether a brand is already established at an international level or is new to the push for globalization, in the bid to drive user engagement exorbitant sums of money are spent in the name of creating engaging, digital content. But how do you get your branded content to resonate with international audiences? An audience in China will digest content in a completely different manner to one in America. A campaign that is a resounding success in one country could cause crippling offense elsewhere. For a marketing campaign to hit the mark in a variety of locales, localization and transcreation must also play a part alongside translation when managing your digital content. Translation: from source to target The translation is a fairly simple concept; the act of translating from one language to another language. But as we know in practice, there is absolutely nothing simple about it. The phrase “lost in trans...

Translate designs with the Figma plugin

Gone are the days where product teams design a product in one language, and only after development, they consider offering multilingual versions. Traditionally, this is the process. And to be honest, we understand it, since deadlines are usually short. With that, we are happy to introduce the Text United for Figma plugin. In a nutshell, the plugin allows you to start translating and planning your localization already in the design stage. Designers and product managers, which create prototypes with Figma, can translate content from their design. Also, they can preview how the user-interface of the product will look like in different languages. Before we dive more into the characteristics and features of the plugin, Figma deserves an introduction. Born in 2011, with the notion of building tools for designers on the web, Figma is a collaborative interface design tool. “More people, from more places, could have access to powerful design tools.” The company makes design tools...

5 Tips For Localizing Your Content Into Japanese

  The islands of Japan contain the world’s third-largest economy. Consequently, the amount of content produced and localized to and from Japanese can leave anyone a little bit lost at sea. If you have done your research and plan to conquer this market, you need to have the basic knowledge of how to localize your digital assets into Japanese. What you need to remember is the fact that Japanese translation projects have quite a reputation. Usually, clients are in a complete state of shock when they find out that the process takes much more time than for most other languages, and even after the completion, the desired quality is still lacking. On top of this, the Japanese seem to have their own unique criteria for assessing (and refusing!) any project that doesn’t meet their high expectations. One thing is for certain – it can be pretty challenging! That’s why we have decided to create a mini-guide to what you should know when starting to localize your assets into Japan...